Bronze relief and linoleum print

My first bronze relief has the title: “Witch s swarm”.
It has now its placing on our open fireplace.
The wrecked earthen relief, in the picture at middle, was planned for another bronze relief,  with motive of one member of family five, as is here at the picture at bottom.
This family five will never become expanded to family six wit a new bronze relief.
In the middle picture do you also see some model works needed for casting of the bronze relief.

My first linoleum print has the same motive as
the bronze relief and is shown above to the right. I made 15 of these in 1985. The size outside frame is: 76 X 65 cm.
Title “Family five on line minus family´s black sheep ”
These family five members is generally to be seen on walls as “The West Side Gallery” in Visby or high on house walls, but happily do I come across them, on our balcony, where they had a family gathering. We do here have, from left to right:
the journalist Vinmun, the photographer Goyrub, the painter Renmon and the art critic Monman.

This member of family five was not interested to stand online, in fact he was not
interested in photographing at all, so I had to scan him in instead. Sure, this is
family five´s black sheep. He is made with lino print.

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